The members and friends of First United Methodist Church welcome all persons, regardless of ethnic heritage, religious backgrounds, etc. We invite you to join us at First United Methodist Church to feel God's presence in worship and feel God's love as shared in fellowship and study opportunities offered each week
When you visit First United Methodist Church, you can expect to receive a "Warm Personal Greeting" from the members and pastors of our church. We want YOU to KNOW that YOU are welcome and appreciated. You will be among brothers and sisters in Christ.
Being a United Methodist congregation, our church has an open communion table. This means that all who are believers in Jesus Christ are invited to receive the gift of grace offered in the Lord's Supper. You do not have to be a member of the United Methodist Church to receive Communion. We observe communion on the first Sunday of every month and at special times during the liturgical season.
We invite you to come and have fellowship with us after service where refreshments are offered in Fellowship Hall.
We strive, at First Church, to provide a sanctuary for prayerful worship within a respectful and welcoming environment and to meet the spiritual needs of our congregation and community, using Christian ideas and values.
First United Methodist Church is a happy fellowship and a positive place of worship. It features a dynamite musical program, a hand bell choir, down-to-earth preaching, women's groups, volunteers, Bible study, outreach missions, a prayer chain to support members and friends, mission-minded concern for our community, and hospital/home bound visitation. We’re a community church serving the Sun City, Youngtown, and Peoria communities.
Living the Faith We Profess
At the 2013 Charge Conference, District Superintendent Gary Kennedy suggested that it was time to adopt a new vision statement for First Church. Shortly afterwards we conducted a survey of the congregation and, among other questions, asked “What is the mission of this church?” Seventy-three responses were received. In October 2014 Church Council discussed our lack of progress and Mary Brickey volunteered to work on a new vision statement.
It soon became obvious that trying to include all 73 suggestions would make a very cumbersome statement and so the focus changed to an attempt to find a way to express the essence of our vision in a succinct way. After all, Jesus was able to express the essence of the entire Bible in just five words: “Love God, Love your neighbor.”
The first draft of our Vision Statement was “A Congregation Living the Faith it Professes.” However, “it” is an abstract word and we wanted a personalized statement, so the second draft was “A Congregation Living the Faith we Profess.” After further discussion, it was shortened even more.